Wednesday, November 9, 2011


1.) Sorry for the lack of posts! This week has been crazy with the new job.
2.) So far so good on the job front, everyone is really nice and I haven't gotten yelled at yet so thumbs up!
3.) My boss gave me a nerf gun to keep at my desk apparently everyone gets one and the only rules are you aren't allowed to shoot someone when they are on the phone. WIN
4.) I turn 25 a week from tomorrow and after writing that sentence I have officially started my quarter life crisis. I've decided to embrace my mid-twenties. For one thing clearly the mid twenties are supposed to be the best time in your life. Think of how many sitcoms have characters in their mid-twenties early thirties. Friends! How I met Your Mother, New Girl, Big Bang Theory, the list goes on!
5.) I can't stop reading about Kim Kardashian's divorce. 
6.) A longer post will follow on Friday!

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