Sunday, October 2, 2011

Humbling Moment of 2011

So here's a little story that I had emailed my friends aka my support group (Courtney Alli, Betsy and Priya) a little while back. You will notice this because it's a story that happened when I was at work. Which as my previous blog posting stated, I no longer do that. So here ya go!

Hey Everyone!

I just had an extreme fat kid moment and while I’m trying to overcome the embarrassment I decided to email you all.

See it all happened when our VP came up the stairs and cracked some joke about how we were all quiet and needed some energy. And granted he was right I was hitting my afternoon lull and everyone else looked like they wanted to die because its on the eve of a 3 day weekend. ANYWAYS he stepped out of the room and came back carrying a hand full of plastic yellow and blue packets. He offered me one. "Oh, sweet!" I though and then said,"Kraft Singles!"
 My eyes lit up and I eagerly grabbed the packet, ready to re-charge my batteries with some good old-fashioned American cheese. Upon further inspection, I realized that my VP had not given me a Kraft Single. No. He gave me a packet of Emergen-C Vitamin C powder to put in my water.


What is wrong with me that I thought my VP  would pass out Kraft Singles in the middle of a work day?! And more importantly, why was I so excited about it?? I felt this overpowering rush of disappointment when I realized it was actually Vitamin C powder. I hate orange juice. But I love Kraft Singles. I was genuinely excited to eat a delicious slice of American cheese. It made complete sense to me that this would be an option. Cheese has calcium. Calcium gives you strong bones. Strong bones are needed to support your body while sitting in a desk chair. Thus, it's completely normal to take a work cheese break. It just made sense.  What's even more embarrassing is that Dave came up to me later and asked why I didn't use my Vitamin C packet. I was all "OH. Yea. Well. I couldn't open it and I thought maybe I'd save it for later and I was really concentrating on this press release and yeah. Just. Yeah." When what I really wanted to say was, "I accepted this Vitamin C pack under the assumption that it was cheese. It is not. I don't have to pay for it, do I?" Fat. KID. Humbling. Moment. 2011.

Now I really want a Kraft single

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